10 Common English Phrases to improve your fluency


What are Phrases?

A phrase is a collection of words with meaning but not enough to form a full sentence. Phrases in your daily conversation can help you sound more natural and fluent in English. Remember to practice them in context to improve your pronunciation and intonation

1.How’s it going?

A casual greeting to ask about someone’s day a week.

2.I’m looking forward to it

An expression to show excitement or anticipation for an event .

3.Let’s catch up soon

A phrase to suggest meeting or talking again soon.

4.I’m not sure , but I may look into it

A polite way to respond when you don’t know the answer to a question

5.That makes sense

An expression to show understanding or agreement.

6.Can you elaborate on that

A polite way to ask for more information or clarification

7.You and I are in agreement.

An expression to show agreement or shared understanding

8.Let me think about it

A phrase to ask for time to consider something

9.It’s worth considering 

An expression to suggest something is good idea

10.Hang out

A phrase used when you spend a lot of time in a place.

Try using these common phrases in your day to day English

  • In terms of
  • In addition to 
  • With regard to
  • As well as 
  • In spite of 
  • Because of
  • One to


Here are some more sites or reference for phrases


Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What makes a phrase different from a clause?

A phrase does not contain a subject or verb, while a clause contains a subject and a verb.


Q2. Can a phrase be a complete sentence?

No, a phrase can’t be a complete sentence but it can be the part of a complete sentence.


Q3. How do I identify  phrases in a sentence?

Look for groups of words that function together as a unit, often with a specific grammatical function.


Q4. What is the purpose of phrases in a language?

Phrases help to add detail, nuance and variety to language making it more expensive and effective.


Q5. Can phrases be used in different contexts?

Yes, phrases can be used in different contexts, such as in writing, speaking, or even in music and poetry.


Q6. How do I use phrases effectively in my writing or speaking?

Use phrases to add interest, emphasis and clarity to your body language, but avoid overusing them to make them too long or complicated.

Q7. Are phrases important in language learning?

Yes, phrases are important in language learning because they help learners to understand and use language in context.


Conclusion –

Phrases are a fundamental aspect of language that can help you enhance your communication skills, convey complex ideas, and add nuances to your expression. By understanding and using phrases effectively you can take your language skills to the next level and become a more confident and effective communicator.


Take the first step today and discover the power of phrases in language.

Remember, effective communication is just a phrase away!

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